by Angelica Mari for Brazil Tech
According to a survey carried out by
consulting firm Capgemini with 415 technology decision makers in public and
private organizations and published by newspaper Valor Econômico, Brazilian
corporates will become a lot more aggressive in advancing their cloud plans
after traditionally lagging behind the United States and Europe.
As Brazilian organizations brace for a
possible economic slowdown and tighter budgets, cloud adoption has grown
steadily in the country as an effective way to reduce spending, according to
recent research.
Cloud market revenues in Brazil
should see a jump from $328.8m in 2013 to $1.1bn by 2017, according
to separate research by consulting firm Frost & Sullivan.
The Capgemini study adds that 73 percent of
the organizations polled in the retail, utilities, financial services,
manufacturing and government sectors already utilize software-as-a-service
(SaaS) and 92 percent will have a similar set-up within the next two years.
Infrastrcture-as-a-service (IaaS) and
platform-as-a-service (PaaS) are also in use by 55 percent and 39 percent of
all Brazilian corporates surveyed, according to the study.
A possible migration to the
"private" cloud environment is another aspect of cloud adoption
highlighted by the consulting firm's study: private environments should be in
place at 75 percent of of those polled, whereas only 17 percent will remain
using public cloud services such as Gmail and Dropbox.
However, analyst firm IDC predicts a rather
different scenario, with growth rates in Brazil for public cloud services set
to reach 74 percent year-on-year, with the revenues totaling $798m by 2015.
According to IDC, the best seller will be SaaS, with $370m generated over the
period, followed by IaaS with $362m and PaaS with $66m.