Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fuzzing Test – Your Cyber Security Companion

Fuzzing test stands for…
How do you test against security threats you don't even know exist?   For unknown threats, an alternative such as fuzzing testing needs to be employed.  Fuzzing testing passes random data through network protocols, API calls, and file streams—virtually anywhere applications and devices receive inputs. One of the goals is to determine whether any of this random input can crash or hang an application, bring down a website or put a device in a  compromised state. Another goal of fuzzing testing is to prevent zero-day attacks.  These attacks derive their name from the fact that they take place before the related vulnerability is known – on “day zero” of awareness. 

Fuzz testing or fuzzing is a software testing technique used to discover coding errors and security loopholes in software, operating systems or networks by inputting massive amounts of random data, called fuzz, to the system in an attempt to make it crash. Fuzzing is a process of sending deliberately malformed data to a program in order to generate failures, or errors in the application. Fuzzing usually focuses on discovery of bugs that can be exploited to allow an attacker to run their own code, and along with binary and source code analysis fuzzing is one of the primary ways in which exploitable software bugs are discovered.  Fuzzers work best for problems that can cause a program to crash, such as buffer overflow, cross-site scripting, denial of service attacks, format bugs and SQL injection. These schemes are often used by malicious hackers  intent on wreaking the greatest possible amount of havoc in the least possible time.

What are we facing?
It is relatively easy to find possible weaknesses in an application if the source code is available and the better it is annotated the easier it is to analyse. Access to binary code is the next best thing but arguably too time consuming to analyse by disassembly. Often the code is housed on a protected, remote server. A seemingly impregnable housing that even keeps the binary shielded from prying eyes.
A burglar faced with a house that is locked uses guile to force an entry. Locksmiths produce tumbler locks that can only be opened with the correct key. The burglar often ignores the complexities of lock-picking and will try to slide a flexible plastic sheet through the gap between the door and the door jamb to push the catch back and the door sometimes opens with ease. In other words, they attack the door in a way that was not foreseen. If this does not work they may look elsewhere and smash a window to gain entry.

Similarly, server attackers work on accepted entry points by treating them in ways that they were not intended to be used to force an entry. The more complex the program, the more likely there is a flaw or a bug that can be worked on.

When looking for likely areas to work on, access to annotated source code can show possible areas to work on, but applications tend to have thousands of lines of code that need to be sifted through. This becomes even worse if all you have is the compiled binary code which has to be disassembled first. Then the hacker has to sift through the commands without any annotations to guide them through the logic.

These two methods are the equivalent of picking locks. In the first case using source code is akin to accessing the locksmith’s original designs or an impression of the actual key and in the second using picks and experience to prise the lock open. With so much code to sift through, both methods are time consuming and require specialist knowledge and patience. It is the preserve of the dedicated professional.

Often the code in any format is unavailable and the average hacker has to stand back and look at the bigger picture. Applications process data and that information is supplied externally using keyboard input or from strings provided by ancillary applications. These use specific formats, called protocols. A protocol may dictate that the information is a field of characters or digits of a specific maximum length, such as a name or a telephone number. The protocol may be more complex and recognise only Adobe Acrobat pdf files or JPEG image files. If the input comes from another application it might have a proprietary protocol.

Open backdoor 
The question is how to subvert these official entry points and use them to possibly crash the application or, even better, to open up a way to inject new code that allows the hacker to take control of the server. The incoming data needs to be stored in a buffer so that it can be processed by the application and this is the key to opening up an entry point.
In November, 1988, the Morris worm gave the world a reality check on how hackers can disrupt computer systems and inject disruptive code using weaknesses in software design. The worm exploited flaws in BSD Unix running on DEC Vax and Sun servers and succeeded in bringing 10% of the Internet servers down. This alerted the world to the dangers of buffer overflows.

Buffer overflows occur when malformed data or oversized data fields are fed into an application. The
program is expecting input that complies with a specific protocol but what happens if the input does not comply? In many cases the answer is that it will disrupt the execution of the application in some way. This brute-force technique has proved to be a rich source for code injection on many computer applications and operating systems and 20 years on from the Morris exploit, it still figures highly in the list of common attack methods.

It may seem strange that after so many years there are still loopholes that can be exploited but this has a lot to do with the way in which applications are tested before finally being released to the users. The pre-launch quality assurance (QA) checking looks for obvious problems by testing the protocols work. Initially this is performed by doing everything in the way that the developer intended it to be done. If that checks out there is a phase where the application is subjected to a range of common methods of  attack.

The problem is that the developer should have protected the code from these exploits but the application is new and may contain flaws that have never been exploited before. Even the best QA department cannot test for everything and this is obvious when we see Microsoft, Oracle and other software specialists rushing out fixes after an application has been released for sale. There are just too many options available and hackers always seem to find new ways to exploit code that could never have been dreamed of by the QA team.

I’m Fuzzing
The process of feeding in false inputs is known as fuzzing and this has become a small industry of its own. Wide ranges of fuzzing tools have been developed by the elite hacker community to enable the rank and file to execute exploits beyond their own natural abilities. These tools are also adopted or adapted in the QA world to test applications before they are released.

Buffer overflow attacks are well known and a number of tools, or fuzzers, are openly available on the Internet. Some of these are used by QA but new tools using sophisticated techniques are appearing all the time and many target specific applications.

Fuzzing techniques are used to find all manner of security vulnerabilities. Apart from the highly publicised buffer overflows, there are the related integer overflows, race condition flaws, SQL injection, cross-site scripting. In fact, the majority of vulnerabilities can be exploited or detected using fuzzing techniques. When the applications for exploiting the range of possible vulnerabilities are added to the buffer overflow fuzzing tools, the list is long and daunting.

This is the problem for the QA department. Hackers outnumber QA staff and they can specialise in a particular form of exploit. A QA expert has to be a Jack of all trades and it is a constant battle to keep up with the latest exploits and hacks. This is especially true because the attackers are always finding new techniques and these take time to surface.

With direct access to the server at the focus of the fuzzing attack, it is easy to monitor the effects on the host. Valuable information can be gained by using a suitable debugger such as the open sourced OllyDbg for Windows system or the GDB debugger that comes free with most Unix systems. Specific parameters can also be revealed, such as memory usage, network activity, file system actions and, for Windows, registry file access. Tools for these purposes can be found as part of the Sys internals Suite, now owned by Microsoft.

Remote hacking, also known as black box fuzzing, lacks this refined option. Instead, monitoring network traffic may provide clues as to whether a system has become unstable or crashed. The absence of reply packets, or the presence of unusual packets, or the absence of a service for long periods may indicate a crash. Applications like Autodafe are examining the possibility of analysing program reactions using tracers in an attempt to improve detection of the server status.

Fuzzing techniques
Fuzzing tools are useful because they automate the drudgery of the task. For example, when transmitting data fields of various sizes, it is boring to do this by manually incrementing field lengths when the task can be easily handled in code. Practice has shown that buffer lengths often follow a power of two sequence so test data tends to increase in sizes over the normal size. This means that the sequence 16, 32, 64,128 would be matched by data lengths of 20, 40, 70, 130.

Similarly, after trying packets with malformed headers, specific file formats should be correctly packaged allowing the data payload to be manipulated without affecting the apparent validity of the packet. Test data should also reflect the kind of data that the application may be looking for using @, <, >, full stops and commas within email applications or typical URL symbols for HTTP servers.
Fuzzing techniques fall into three basic types: session data, specialised and generic. Session data fuzzing
is the simplest because it transforms legal data incrementally. For example, the starting point could be a SMTP protocol:
mail from: sender@testhost
This would then be sent in the following forms to see what effect they have:
mailmailmailmail from: sender@testhost
mail fromfromfromfrom: sender@testhost
mail from:::: sender@testhost
mail from: sendersendersendersender@testhost
mail from: sender@@@@testhost
mail from: sender@testhosttesthosttesthosttesthost

Specialised fuzzers are the ones that target specific protocols. Typically these would be the network protocols such as SMTP, FTP, SSH and SIP but these have now expanded to include file types such as documents, image files, video formats, and Flash animations.

The most flexible type is the generic fuzzer which allows the user to define the packet type, the protocol and the elements within it to be fuzzed. The flexibility is balanced by the fact that the user has to be aware of the vulnerabilities to be tested and some may be overlooked. It is crucial that every element in the protocol is tested, no matter how unimportant it may seem. In the above example, it may seem pointless to repeat the colon but this could be the flaw that the hacker is looking for. The lesson is that nothing should be taken for granted.

Developers are not infallible. When buffer overflows started to hit the headlines, many C programmers switched to using bounded string operations as a cure-all. Unfortunately, the strncpy() command was often implemented incorrectly resulting in the Off By One error. This was caused by setting a buffer size to, say, 32. It sounds logical enough but the input field has to have a null value terminator and that has to be allowed for in the character count and added by the application. The null is there when the buffer is set up but would be overwritten by an apparently legal 32 character input. This means that the boundary between neighbouring buffers disappears and future accesses may treat the two strings as a larger single buffer opening up the possibility of a buffer overflow exploit where one may not have existed before.

Hacker’s activities
Once a weakness has been found the QA process may be almost over barring a fix but for the hacker the task is just beginning. A successful fuzz attack usually ends with the  application crashing. Not a clever trick unless disruption is the aim. What it does indicate is that some executable bytes have been overwritten with nonsense. The chances are this is a stack and a return address has been corrupted causing the application to jump to some arbitrary memory location. Before being overwritten with  the nonsensical input, this location would be a pointer to the continuation of the legally-running application code.

Having determined that the buffer is lying adjacent to a stack, carefully crafting an oversized buffer input
will overwrite the jump address at the top of the stack with a pointer to executable code stored elsewhere in RAM instead of just arbitrary bites as before. Usually the pointer is set to the beginning of the buffer. When writing the new input padding is used to ensure the four bytes carrying the jump location is correctly placed on the stack. Rather than just any kind of padding, the bytes used form  a shellcode routine in assembly code. When the pointer redirects program execution to the buffered code, the attacker has taken control of program execution and can take control of the server, assuming the interrupted application had suid root, or administrator, rights. Obviously,  the larger the buffer, the larger the chunk of code that can be inserted.

The growth of fuzzing has been remarkable. From the QA perspective it offers a very effective way to discover flaws early. For attackers it is presenting a way to penetrate black box servers that would otherwise be difficult to penetrate. Reports of fuzzing exploits are vague and merely say that a specific program crashes when it opens a file containing a particular malformed file. There is no clue as to why or how this happens, leaving the security experts to have to recreate the conditions to find out the mechanics of the exploits.

The number of fuzzer programs is increasing in both specialisms and subtlety. As the tools become more sophisticated, developers become bogged down with patch requests. This results in rising maintenance costs and a point is reached where a trade-off between increasing the security and financial considerations may start to affect the reliability of software. There is a danger that vulnerability detection will become much more reactive rather than proactive.
Vulnerability testing is more important now than ever before as the financial gains from professional hacking becomes more attractive as finance is increasingly directed through the Internet. The current pressures on in-house departmental QA to keep up with faster moving changes in the breadth and scope of exploits is making outsourcing of the responsibility more attractive than ever before .